Celebrities like Shekhar Suman and Suchitra Krishnamoorthi had recently raised why only female actresses had been called in the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) investigation into Bollywood-drug links. The trend is set to change soon with not one, but three male actors set to be summoned by the investigating agency in the next week.
Big News in SSR case .3 stars with code names 'A', 'S' and 'R' are to be summoned.
All the three male stars are former co-stars of Deepika Padukone who has been questioned in the probe over alleged chats about drugs, and the summons are likely to create ‘huge chaos’, sources said. As per sources, three stars with code names 'A', 'S' and 'R' are to be summoned.
The NCB has found evidence against the three male stars and they could be summoned next week. The likely development comes close on the heels of information that as many as 50 popular names including actors and directors being under the NCB radar. Earlier, it was reported that 10 big names of the film industry were to be summoned, and that up to 6 top stars had contacted their lawyers fearing imminent questioning.