Soon after the special CBI court on Wednesday acquitted all 32 accused in the Babri mosque demolition case, AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi said that the decision by CBI court is a black day for the Indian judiciary. Addressing the press conference right after the decision, Owaisi lashed out at the BJP leaders and Congress, stating that the verdict clearly sends out the message that 'violence pays politically'. "Today is a black day.
The SC itself said that demolition was egregious, then what does this verdict mean? How can you give such a verdict when we have openly seen that Advani, Uma Bharti, MM Joshi were distributing sweets. What message are you sending? You are telling violence pays you politically. The CBI chargesheet says Kalyan Singh and Advani are conspirators. This judgement satisfies collective consciousness of Hindutva and followers.
Who broke the Masjid then?" "Congress is at the root of all this conspiracy. When they were in power, masjid was demolished, idols were placed inside the structure, so on and so forth, " he added. Further making an enormous claim, Owaisi said that the BJP government is in power because of the Babri Masjid issue, adding that the accused have been politically rewarded.
Kalyan Singh and Advani got Clean Chit.
"This is an issue of justice. This is an issue of ensuring that people who are responsible for Babri Masjid demolition should've been convicted. But they've been politically rewarded in the past by becoming HM & HRD minister. BJP is in power because of this issue," said Owaisi. Owaisi further recounted the faith of Muslims and said that since 1950, Muslims have not been given justice, adding that the accused should have been convicted.
Earlier in August, when PM Modi called the upcoming Ram Mandir temple a 'symbol of India' while laying the foundation stone of the temple in Ayodhya, Owaisi had claimed that the PM had endorsed majoritarianism, and termed it as 'death of secularism'. Owaisi said that he felt emotional claiming that there stood a mosque at the Ram Janmabhoomi site - thirty years ago, accusing BJP of demolishing it. He had also vociferously opposed the Supreme Court's 2019 verdict in Ram Janmabhoomi- Babri Masjid title suit, in which disputed land was given to Hindu parties and an alternate 5 acre was given to Muslim parties to build a mosque.