Having a tough time digesting the unexpected restrictions as if they just faced another lockdown, the rejected contestants - Rubina Dilaik, Sara Gurpal, Nishant Singh Malkani, and Jaan Kumar Sanu get another shock. Something that gets worrisome. Read Bigg Boss 14 PROMO: 'Aapki jaban gandi hai,' Jasmin Bhasin SLAMS Nikki Tamboli when asked why she should not be a confirmed contestant
Though stressed the contestants' sportsmanship shows that nothing Bigg Boss does will knock them down easily. As they flow into the second half of day 1 inside the Bigg Boss house Nikki Tamboli and Jasmin Bhasin get into a huge argument over washing utensils which leads to a big turmoil. The misunderstanding creates a huge riff and Jasmin breaks down.
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It is time for the contestants to retire after an exhausting day, and Sidharth as a senior and the master of the bedroom, doesn’t give it to them easily. They must convince him in order to get their desired bed and partner and there goes another moment of judgements, arguments and fights.